Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Remembering 9/11

I know this blog is dedicated to the crazy life of moms but I feel it's important to take a moment to remember 9/11. I've joined the MckLinky Blog Hop for this week because I plan to read other peoples stories and memories about that day.

I was teaching that day. I had a large class of 5th graders and we were going over social studies. My teacher's aid walked in with a weird look in her eye. I remember being annoyed that she was interrupting me and then she whispered in my ear, "Two planes just hit the World Trade Towers in NYC. The US is under attack." My first question was, what kind of plane. My husband had left that morning for a business trip, on a plane. When she said they were commercial planes, my heart dropped. I wanted to run out of the room and see what was going on but I knew I had to protect the kids in my classroom. I told my aid to go get more information for me and I kept going on with my lesson.

A few minutes later we went to specials. In the hall all of the teachers were looking at each other trying to read each other's faces to see what they may know. Was anyone crying, what was going on? Every minute hurt me. Once my students were at art class I remember running down the hall to my classroom. I turned on the news just in time to see the first tower crumble to the ground. I just stood there, alone, dumbfounded. I ran to the office and saw a line of people waiting to use the phone. I stood there not talking to anyone. Finally when it was my turn, I dialed my husbands cell phone and got his voice mail. I left a message and walked back to my room. I watched the second tower fall minutes before I had to go get my kids.

I continued the day. I was unable to continue with my lessons. I got out the play doh and let the kids just color or read. Many parents started to come to get their kids out of school. When they came to the classroom, I would ask them what they knew. I would get little bits of information throughout the day. The kids of course knew something was going on and kept asking. I remember telling them that something bad had happened in our country. I told them to discuss it with their parents. I didn't want to be the one to tell them. I couldn't.

As soon as the day ended, I ran to my car and just started to cry and cry. I must of sat in the parking lot for an hour crying. During that time I got a call from one of my best friends who told me that my husband had gotten a hold of him. His plane had been diverted to Cincinnati but he was ok. He had been trying to call me all day but couldn't get through. With that news, I thought I could at least drive myself home.

Once home I remember watching the news all night. My husband was able to call. He rented a car and started to drive from Cincinatti to Florida. He was home in a few days and I'd never been so happy to see him.

Such a sad day in our country's history. Being around kids, trying to hide my fear and not being able to know exactly what was happening was so hard. I'll always remember those who lost their lives that day.

What's your memory of that day?

MckLinky Blog Hop


Kelly said...

Just blog hopping...thanks for sharing!

Kaydee said...

I don't have a blog.

Here's mine. I live in Southern California.

I always turned radio on to get ready to in the mornings, but for some reason I didn't that morning. When I got in the car to go to work I didn't turn the radio on like I usually did either. I still don't know why. I drove past the post office and I noticed that the flag was at half mast, so I turned the radio on to listen to the news to find out why.

The talk show hosts were talking about how "horrible it was" and just "look at the images" and how "shocking it all was." For a full three minutes they didn't mention what was going on, but they finally did. My first thought was that it was an accident, but then the second plane hit, and we just knew.

When I got to work at the law office I was working at, it was like tomb. Everyone was glued to computers and radios for updates.

Our senior partner was a wreck. He grew up in Brooklyn and he had a lot of friends still in New York. At final count, he lost 37 friends that day.

Also, our accounts clerk's uncle was on the flight and she found out his flight number, 93, and was relieved because it wasn't one of the two - and then we heard about a flight going down in PA. A coworker drove her home sobbing.

We all left at noon. I just went home and watched the news in the dark - all the shades drawn and lights off. Bright sunshine felt wrong somehow.

I called all my family, none living in NY, but I just needed to hear their voices.

Finally, my husband switched the TV over to I Love Lucy (just like the song!).

It was a very sad day for America but a great day to see all Americans come together and support each other.

I was very proud to be an American in days following my generations "date that will live in infamy." I still am.

I will never forget.

Moms On The Go said...

Thank you for sharing, it was a sad day

RitzFamilyHappenings said...

I will never forget, as I was watching Good Morning America as it was happening. I saw the planes hit the towers, and it was a little surreal. My first thought was, "Are there people in those buildings?" or "Why aren't the getting out if there are?" and finally...."What is going on?" As I continued to listen I felt as though the world just stopped at that moment. so many people, so many families affected by those few moments on the morning of September 11th. What a tragic event to have take place, and yet the stories of bravery and courage were so uplifting. I'm thankful everyday for those families and service men/women who sacrifice their lives for our freedoms.